Database Systems


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  • Choices Include: Oracle, MS Sql Server, MySQL, Postgres, SQLite, MariaDB, OBDC are the most popular choices.
  • Database Licensing: if your application requires a database there may be a cost associated with the licensing of the database depending on your choice of database.

Most applications involve data of some sort hence the need for a database. If your application is going to be run locally on one machine at a time then the single user SQLite is fine and won't cost a dime. If your application is intended to be used in a multi-user environment then you will need a multi-user database system. Good choices are the free open source databases of MySQL, MariaDB and Postgres. Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server lie at the high end of the spectrum.


Client Server


We can build or buy a machine, install the OS, install the database system, and put it on your local network for access worldwide.

Contact us to discuss your database project.

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